Super Six Data Base?

Bob detailed some of the changes on just one year of Super six in the

1928 season. I think Hudson made changes as they were needed regardless of

the model year. Late '26s for example, has the all wood '27 steering wheel

(my Coupe has this) and the very late '26s had the '27 bullet headlights

replacing the drums. In some ways this makes a lot of sense. Can you imagine

running low on headlights and having to place another small order with the

manufacturer for more of the old drum lights?

While making improvements and updates to the cars as they became

available might be admirable in some ways, it is sure hell on us trying to

figure out what was original 70 or 80 years after the fact with no factory

records to work with. An owner or dealer may well have switched parts out

long ago for reasons we can never know. I guess this really argues for a

Super Six data base to collect and classify what evidence has survived the

years. Several years ago I created such a data base program but never pursued

the project.

One of the questions that Bob brings up might just go into some future

version of the Super Six D-base -- "What spokes do you have on your '28?"

Wouldn't it be interesting to have a record of the serial numbered cars that

the tapered spokes started to appear on? Somebody else working on a car in

the future would have an idea which parts his car might have originally have.

Ideally such a project should be on-line and available to everyone.

Based on what Bob posted, my '28 being first series, should probably have

the round spokes and the small headlights. A data base would sure help us

nail such details down.

Paul O'Neil,

NEW email list for Hudson Super Six Cars, 1916-1929!

1926 Hudson Anderson Bodied Coupe

1926 Hudson Parts Car "The Grapes Of Wrath"

1928 Hudson Roadster Project

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in there?)

Fullerton, California USA

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