HET Club Roster 2020 - 2022

PaulButler Administrator
For those of you here that are members of the club the Roster is now available for download in the library section of the club website. A hard copy will be mailed out with the next issue of the WTN as well


  • barrysweet52
    barrysweet52 Expert Adviser

    To reduce postage costs, perhaps oversea members can firstly be informed of the library option, and a copy be sent only if asked for. The download option may have quicker ways to do a search.

  • To reduce postage costs, perhaps oversea members can firstly be informed of the library option, and a copy be sent only if asked for.
    Great idea, who do I contact?
  • PaulButler
    PaulButler Administrator
    For this one it's too late because they are in the process of being mailed. I'll put it forward as an option for the next one which will be looked at now in 2022
  • KUDOS to Paul Butler and Aaron Cooper for all of their blood, sweat and tears creating this Roster. They spent countless hours on it. And, like everything else, it's not perfect but they did the best they could. Please reach out and THANK Paul and Aaron! 
  • akcoop
    akcoop Administrator
    One thing to remember for Club Members is that the "roster" is always available online in the website registry reports.  There have been some improvements to the reports by the software company but I need to get the improvements applied to all the individual reports for each year, make and model.  We also want to make sure that members get the benefits they deserve when they pay their dues which has always included the paper roster.  The paper roster is a great resource to put in your car and take with you.  When a prospective member comes up and asks about the club, there is nothing easier that a paper roster to talk about members in their area or provide information.  I am a techie myself and I have to admit looking something up on my phone can be time consuming especially for older prospective members.  I think the Club will continue to print and send a roster to everyone as long as it is feasible and the majority of members expect it.  That being said, feel free to download the pdf and use the website to look up cars as well.

  • Glowplug
    Glowplug Expert Adviser
    edited January 2020
    Aaron: thanks for the electronic roster!  I downloaded it to my iPhone into the ...Books... app.  I now carry a club roster (as I do for our chapter) on the phone.  Today I was able to search the HET Club roster for a specific vehicle serial number and was presented the answer is seconds.  Bravo, I received a desired result with technology I own and carry in my pocket.