stuck valve keepers on 54 hornet engine

I can't get #6 intake to free up from the keepers. All other valves came right out.  Valve  is free and comes up when using flathead spring compresser. I tapped on valve  head but no luck. The keepers are stuck in the spring retainer. Has anyone experienced this? I don't want to pull the engine. I can rotate the retainer with a pair of vise grips but turns hard and only about 1/4 a rotation. No room for any other movement Any suggestions would be Appreciared, Thanks, Karl 860 460 9606 


  • lostmind
    lostmind Expert Adviser
    Your going to have to hit it hard. Punch or chisel on retainer.
  • karl
    karl Member
    Should the spring be compressed when hitting retainer?
  • call a mechanic !????
  • lostmind
    lostmind Expert Adviser
    Yes , compress the spring. It's stuck on something, you'll find out what when you get it out.
  • Soak it with PBlastrr, ATF/acetone or marvel mystery oil
  • karl
    karl Member
    Lostmind was right Hit retainer with hammer and punch and it came apart. Thamk you
  • lostmind
    lostmind Expert Adviser
    File it away in your memory bank , you'll be able to help someone in the future.
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Make sure you plug the oil holes in the bottom of the valve chamber first!  Not fun  having to take the sump off to retrieve a keeper.