How do you de mount and remount a tire on a rim for a 30 Essex.

I have a 19 inch “New Weld” rim and the  required 3 point rim crank.. Which side of the split in the rim do you put the grip on?  How far down do you crank the rim to collapse it?  After the tire and tube are mounted, how do you de-collapse the rim?  I am replacing my spare tire because the pivot point mechanism and rim are damaged.  All help and tips are greatly appreciated,  ThankYou....


  • I had a 1919 Essex at one time... I never used anything but large, dull, screwdriver type tire irons to change tires, tubes, and flaps.
  • ESSX28-1
    ESSX28-1 Senior Contributor
    The NZ HET Club sells Geoff Clark's Tech Topic (as presented at the 2009 Centenary Nat Meet) on "Fitting Tires to Split Rims" - $10.00 for the Dropbox link via PayPal to (drop leading 'het')
    Geoff generously gave the NZ HET Club the right to sell his presentation as a Club fundraiser.
    This should solve your problems.
    Send me a pm for more info.