Greasing the Throwout Bearing

Old Fogey UK
Old Fogey UK Expert Adviser
I've recently fitted a new clutch throwout bearing on my '34 Hudson and want it to last as long as possible.
I'm never sure how much grease to use. You can't see where it's going and you can pump and pump forevermore with the grease gun and not know if you've put in enough.
The official lubrication chart gives no help.
I wonder just how many shots with the gun the bearing needs ?


  • bob ward
    bob ward Senior Contributor
    Hudson used the same throwout bearing from early 30s right through to 54. Earlier cars had a greasing point for the throwout bearing but somewhere along the way  to the step-downs the grease point was dispensed with, i.e. the bearings were greased at the factory and that was it.
    If you had the bearing apart and greased it prior to installation you will be fine. Failing that, its a short path from the grease point to the bearing so 3 or 4 pumps will be sufficient.
  • Old Fogey UK
    Old Fogey UK Expert Adviser
    Thanks, Bob.
     I greased it last week and there's a helluva lot more than 4 shots in there - That bearing's going to last forever !!!
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Problem is if you pump too much in it will blow past the leather seal and get into the clutch, and then you have problems!  I have had my Essex for 64 years and never greased the t/o bearing, nor my Hornet. 
  • Hans
    Hans Senior Contributor
    1. One of my Hudson manuals specified 1 oz per lube ( 1930 )
    2. You can expirement the grease out put of your grease gun, and use the same number of pumps to lubricate your bearing.
    3. The manual suggests the use of a 4 inch length of pipe with lube fitting on it to facilitate the introduction of the lube.
    4. The metalurgy of old parts may be quite robust, but lubrication of them with reason is probably a good idea.
    5. If you have many extra parts, then don't lube any thing, just prepare to replace it when needed.