Hudson 8 day Clock

Does anyone know how to get this clock off the dash? Needs to be repaired but
don't want to break it.  There must be a trick to it.


  • Is it mounted to the dash via a bracket or is the back of the clock tight to the dash ?
  • The back of the clock is tight against the dash.  There is one set screw that I took out but then the clock just rotates around and around.  Looking behind the dash I see nothing coming through to unscrew or unbolt?
  • hudsonsplasher1
    hudsonsplasher1 Senior Contributor
    There is a small set screw on the bottom. loosen it and turn the clock about a quarter turn to the right. You will have to feel for the notch as you turn and it should come out. They can be stubborn, so be patient.  Unless they glued it on the dash I would think you could find mounting screws on the back side of the dash. Give it a try.
  • Thanks I'll give it a try.
  • Got the clock off. it only turned to the right 45 degrees but I kept pulling.  Did find two screws holding the back clock plate to the dash.