hood latch disassemble

Has anyone ever attempted to disassemble a hood latch, on a '28 Super Six, or similar, for cleaning and repainting. I'd like to find out how to disassemble it, if it's possible.
Thanks, Sach.


  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    The hook unscrews from the cylindrical body, and the spring is held in by a clip. Extremely simple really.
  • Thanks Geoff, I'll give it a "spin" to see if I can separate the hook and cylinder.
    Thanks for all your help over the past year and I hope you have a great Holiday.
  • Geoff, it took a soaking with penetrating oil and a little heat from a propane torch, to get the hook to turn from the cylinder, but they all separated just fine. Thanks again, Sach.
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Perseverance pays! Glad to help.