weight of 1937 Terraplane

I have been told by NYS DMV that I have to get my 1937 utility coupe weighed in order to get it licensed in NY. I have the original owners manual which is damaged in the page where the weight of each model is printed. I went online and Googled a site that had the same manual . The exact page where it appears, page 5 ,does not have this info . Are there different printings of this manual. Anyhow, does anyone have any official paperwork with the weight printed that could be faxed to me? My fax number is 860 460 9606. Thank you Karl Vucich


  • hudsonsplasher1
    hudsonsplasher1 Senior Contributor
    Karl, the weigh on my utility coupe is 2,622 lbs.
  • Is this weight printed on your title or reg.What state do you live in? Could you or would you fax me a copy so I could bring it to DMV as proof My fax is 860 460 9606.Thank you for your quick response, Karl
  • hudsonsplasher1
    hudsonsplasher1 Senior Contributor
    Printed on the registration and I can't fax. I'm in Michigan, you should have a weigh station near you to verify the weight.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    edited September 2018
    Karl, I have a typewritten list of weights that shows the weight of a Utility Coupe with a standard bench front seat. The weight is (by category):
    shipping weight: 2,950#
    license weight: 2,855#
    standard curb weight: 3,020#
    I can fax this, but what I have is a bad Xerox copy (of perhaps another copy) and I have NO idea whether it will transmit legibly. Also, the list does not look "official". The sheet has no title, and there is no indication where it came from. But it does list the weights of all body styles of all Hudson products for 1937.

    PS -- Had you meant to place this topic in The Flathead Forum?
  • If you would fax, that would be most thankful, Karl
  • Agree,. I weighed my '38 Terraplane on a commercial scale.....3000 pounds.