Video of Jack Miller, past H-E-T President and former WTN editor

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited September 2017 in HUDSON
Here's an interview with Jack Miller, past President of HET and editor of its newsletter for 14 years.  Here, Jack talks about the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum, which he founded (with the help of a couple friends) at the Hudson dealership his father had established in the 1920's.  Jack was the winner of the 2015 "Friends of Automotive History" award, presented by the Society of Automotive Historians.  


  • hudsonsplasher1
    hudsonsplasher1 Senior Contributor
    Great interview with Jack. Well deserved award. Thanks for sharing Jon.
  • ESSX28-1
    ESSX28-1 Senior Contributor
    Great interview. Thanks for posting Jon
  • 50C8DAN
    50C8DAN Senior Contributor
    Jack is a great guy and he was one of main reasons I bought a Hudson and joined the HET.  Back in '85 just out of college I was looking for an old car to mess with.  I had always thought Hudsons were interesting.  I called the HET phone # in Hemmings and got Jack.  Jack sent me a few old WTNs and the rest is history ( full disclosure I still also like Studebakers and have several).  I have visited Jack several times in Ypsilanti and the museum is great.  I understand Jack has relinquished running the museum now.