WANTED: 308 engine, Twin H would be nice too

I have a 48 Commodore, that someone put a 308 in it, ran it hot, locked it up, been trying for 6 months to get it lose with no success. So, I guess I will go with trying to find another running engine. Can anyone help? I'm in Central Indiana and can travel somewhat for the right deal.

Thank you,


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    edited May 2017
    You might want to get in touch with the folks from either (or both) the Southern Indiana or Northern Indiana-Ohio chapters.  Maybe someone in one of the chapters knows of an engine for sale in your area.  You could contact the president of each chapter to learn of their next get-together and maybe get a copy of the latest newsletter.  President of Northern Indiana-Ohio chapter is Wesley Fenton, XXXwfenton@woh.rr.com.  President of Southern Indiana is Rick Crawley, XXXrick.crawley@yahoo.com (delete the XXX in either case, before mailing).

    You might also want to contact Wildrick Restorations in Shelbyville, Hudson specialists. http://wildrickrestorations.com/  Who knows, they might be able to loosen up that 308 of yours!

  • Browniepetersen
    Browniepetersen Senior Contributor

    Most any machine shop can remove the pistons from the engine and rebuild it.  Might talk to Dr. Doug about doing that.  Never been a fan of going through all the work to install a used engine that is 30/50 years old.  It is better in the long run to do the work now and enjoy the reliability.

  • Thank you for the feedback.