Hudsons for sale

The Iowa City Iowa craigslist has 2 Hudsons for sale. #1 is a pickup or whats left of one. # 2 is a 1951 Hudson clipper / 47 Packerd. Looks like part of the Hudson Hoarde. 


  • 33kc1989
    33kc1989 Senior Contributor
    Price is too high on both. What's amazing is the radiator is still in truck. With scrapping going on since beginning of time.
  • tombia
    tombia Member
    Whats funny about this is, last time I saw some of this pile advertised it had a phone # for Leighton Iowa. Me thinks someone thinks they have a gold mine in these cars and trucks like everything else on craigslist. 
  • akcoop
    akcoop Administrator
    I think we will see these for a while.  These are all out of Bruce Baker's collection from Solon, Iowa.  Most of these were just off the exit east of Iowa City.  Someone bought all of Bruce's cars and are trying to flip all of them for big bucks.  I tried to get Karen to list them through the Club when Bruce died 3 years ago but had no luck.  
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