Looking for a '37 212 distributor IGW 4013A

Splitwindow Member
edited May 2014 in Parts & Pieces
Need a '37 212 distributor (IGW 4013A), mine is shot. Good to go or rebuildable is what I need. Thanks!


  • Lance
    Lance Member
    Would a 212 distributor from a 46-7 work for you? I have a 37 but it's been stripped down to the core.:(  The 46-7 one needs rebuilding but is decent.
  • 53jetman
    53jetman Senior Contributor
    Starting in 1940, Hudson moved the distributor on the 212 engine to the top and rear of the block so I don't think the '46- '47 dist will do him any good on a '37 engine
  • I'm new to Hudsons so i'll have to take your word on that 53jetman!

    What I do know for sure is that mine is so bad its rusting into parts and I need a replacement before its dust.

  • ski4life65
    ski4life65 Expert Adviser
    What is the number on the distributor?
  • Can't tell, the tag crumbled into two un-readable bits...
  • Ric West IN
    Ric West IN Senior Contributor
    From the 30-39 parts book,

    Models 70,71,78 should be IGW 4012A
    Models 72 and 73 IGW 4013A

    Don't know what the difference is unless related to 72-73 having voltage regulators for the Gen. and
    the others having a cut out relay.

  • Thats a start, thanks!
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    There's one on Ebay right now but it's for a 1939 six;  sure looks like the one in my '37.  A bit pricey at $65, and that's for a "core" only.  Probably one of the Hudson vendors who advertise in the WTN, have an old one kicking around and for much less -- you might try contacting some of them.

  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
     Any distributor from '34 to '39 incl. will do the job. 
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Geoff, what differentiates the different models, then?
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    There are slight differences in cam angle and degree advance, but they will all fit in the hole and  spread the sparks around. 
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