Hudson Factory 48 Stepdown Pickups

edited November -1 in HUDSON
While reading an old WTN article written by Bernie Seigfried ....

Re May/ June 1987 WTN article written by Bernie Siegfried

… At a later date when a general cleaning up of the obsolete items on the roof top area had been ordered, one Glenn Lardie, experimental garage foreman, was on the roof supervising the disposal of designated materials. They were to be hauled away in the company’s two ’48 Stepdown pick-up trucks. Mr. Lardie asked me if I had ever seen the “Peeping Tom” show put on by the Chrysler engineering personnel from their vantage point in the adjacent building overlooking Hudson’s roof-top display area. He had one ’48 pickup driven out and positioned ceremoniously and the other pushed out along side covered with a full cloth cover. Within minutes binoculars were trained on the area and a large camera was seen poised at the ready. It’s definitely true Chrysler kept a close on the Hudson doings.

Interesting ....:)
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