31 essex clutch

Hello everyone
i have a 31 essex super six and was wondering where to fill the clutch with fluid? I believe it's passenger side of car near the flywheel there is an opening just want to make sure that's correct? 
Thanks in advance


  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    That is correct, thee is a pipe plug with a hollow square fitting on the front of the flywheel
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    ("Passenger side" depends upon what part of the world you live in, LOL!)
  • Lol that is true sorry 
  • What's the best way to line the 
    plug up with the hole on the frontmof
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Let's get our terminology straight.  The hole is in  the engine plate. the plug is in the flywheel.  You  use the crank handle to turn  the engine over until you can see the plug through the hole.  If you don't have a crank handle you will have to "nudge" the engine with the starter motor.
  • Ok sounds good thanks for you help